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平均而言,本科学位 带来终生更高的收入 ——但它们需要大量的前期投资. 如今尤其如此,因为获得学士学位的成本几乎已经上涨了 自1980年以来翻了三倍 在通货膨胀. 

在线获得大学学位是一种节省教育费用的方法, and in recent years online degrees have grown significantly in popularity and quality. 然而, you should know what to watch out for to make sure you’re getting the best possible deal. 


At many institutions, it’s possible to earn a bachelor’s degree without ever setting foot on campus.

虽然远程教育已经成为一种长期的选择, the popularity and quality of remote learning have both shifted drastically in recent years. Between 2012 and 2019 (before the COVID-19 pandemic increased remote learning by 92%), 传统大学的远程学生数量已经增加了 增长36%

就像COVID-19大流行加速了向远程工作的转变一样, 它还加速了向远程学习的转变. 在2020年秋天,大约 四分之三的U.S. 大学的学生 是否参加过至少一门远程课程. This transition showed many students that online learning can be just as good as – or better than – in-person learning. 科技进步, like high-quality video conferencing and synchronous and asynchronous communications platforms, mean that online students can now interact just as closely with their classmates and professors as their in-person counterparts. 

说到你的资历, a degree earned online from an accredited institution counts just the same as a degree earned in person. 然而, 当你研究在线课程时, 检查你正在考虑的任何机构都是经过认证的,这一点很重要, 这意味着它们达到了一定的质量标准. 你可以使用U.S. 教育部 认可的高等教育机构和课程数据库


在线学位不需要物理设施,所以它应该更便宜,对吧? 不总是.

在一些公立大学,在线课程的每学分成本是 实际上高 比面对面的课程要好. 然而, 即使在这些学校, online students can save significantly on costs outside of tuition by avoiding paying for things like costly campus room and board. 

Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that universities that primarily offer in-person learning still have to pay for things like facilities upkeep and on-campus programming. 像十大正规赌博平台大全排行这样专注于混合型或只提供在线学士学位的学校, 另一方面, 不要承担维护大量设施的费用. 因此, the most affordable online colleges can charge significantly lower tuition than many schools that offer both on-campus and online learning. 

“问一下你要支付哪些额外费用,惠特尼·多德说, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行本科招生小组负责人. “If you're a student at a traditional university and you're taking online courses or even a mix of in-person and online courses, 但你并没有完全沉浸在那种常驻生活中, 你是否为很多你没有使用的项目和设施付费?”

说到支付学费,助学金是你最好的选择之一. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测



比如面对面的学位课程, 不同院校的在线学士学位学费差别很大. 

在许多大学里, 特别是国家机构, you can expect to pay the same (or more) tuition for an online degree that you would if you studied in person. 目前,在美国攻读学士学位的年学杂费中位数约为2%.S. 是10美元,州内公立大学940美元, $28,州外公立大学240美元,39美元,私立大学400, 根据 大学委员会. Those figures refer to tuition and fees alone and do not take into account additional expenses, 比如房间, 食宿及交通, 这对面对面的学生来说很常见. 

Less than half of first-time undergraduate students complete their degrees in four years or less, 这意味着获得学士学位的总成本可能比预期的要高. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行, the annual cost of tuition and fees for undergraduate students is currently less than the median for in-state students at public universities, 每学分的费用仅为398美元. +, 因为在线课程提供了很大的时间灵活性, students can continue working while they study and do not need to pay for on-campus housing or transportation. 


Even if you choose a low-cost, online-focused school, there are still ways to save on your degree. 

1. 申请奖学金和经济援助.

作为一名在线本科生, 你有资格获得与传统学生相同的联邦学生援助. You can apply for grants and loans using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 一个由美国政府管理的在线申请.S. 教育部.

在线学生也有资格获得许多奖学金. 每个提供奖学金的组织都有自己的标准, 但资格证书通常包括扎实的学习成绩, a specific life experience (like being an adult learner returning to complete a degree), 或某一群体(如种族)的成员身份, 种族或宗教团体). 

Franklin offers a streamlined scholarship application process as part of the admissions application that allows you to check off the scholarships that you are eligible for without requiring additional applications. 

2. 仔细检查学费 

不同的学校倾向于展示他们的学费, 不同方式的费用和相关费用, 这意味着在不同的项目之间进行比较是具有挑战性的. Be sure to add up all of the expected fees and charges and compare multiple institutions to ensure that you don’t inadvertently end up paying for programs and services you won’t access as an online student.

3. 查看转学学分

如果你之前修过大学课程或通过了同等考试, 了解一下你正在考虑的学校是否允许你转学这些学分. Policies vary between universities, but many online degree programs are especially transfer-friendly. 例如,十大正规赌博平台大全排行就允许学生 最多可获得94个学分相当于大约三年的学位课程. You may also be able to earn credits for professional training or certificates that you’ve already completed, 哪一种方法可以帮助你在省钱的同时更快地完成学业. Since 2017, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 students have saved more than $6 million dollars through 先前学习学分

4. 学习的同时继续工作

同时工作和学习并不总是容易的, but it tends to be far simpler with online degrees since their schedules are more flexible and they are often designed asynchronously. 此外,学校和工作之间的任何通勤都被消除了.

即使你的收入只够支付部分学费或生活费, 你可以大大减少完成学位所需的贷款金额. 


除了有机会显著节省成本, online degree programs offer several other advantages that can make them an excellent fit for many students.

Since you don’t need to move to campus – and potentially pay for required on-campus housing – to study online, 你可以大大降低你的住房成本. Similarly, you’ll avoid paying for expensive transportation or spending time commuting to campus.

尤其是对成人学习者, it’s much easier to fit online courses around other professional and family responsibilities. 在线课程的学生群体也趋于多样化, 有更多有工作的成年人代表. If you fall into that category, having classmates with similar life experiences can be helpful. 

选择在线学位还是面对面学位取决于你的目标, 优先事项和责任. 如果住在校园里和参加学生活动对你很重要, 面对面的学位可能更适合你. An online degree might be a better option if you desire additional flexibility and cost savings. 


十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供30多个在线学士学位课程, which use asynchronous scheduling as much as possible to maximize flexibility for students.

因为大多数十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学生都在网上学习, the university does not have to pay for the upkeep of extensive campus property or programs for in-person students, allowing Franklin to keep tuition rates low and focus on what matters most – learning.

+, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学费保证意味着只要你继续注册全日制课程, 你的学费不会增加. 

了解更多关于 学位的成本 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行. 
