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What Can You Do with a 计算机科学 Degree?

计算机科学和信息技术是这个国家发展最快的领域之一. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 到2024年, 计算机科学的职位空缺预计将远远超过工程学等其他STEM领域.

获得硬技能,比如特定的编程语言,比以往任何时候都更容易获得. 但是,虽然特定语言和证书课程可能会给你技术能力, they often lack the well-rounded skills you benefit from by getting your bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Is a 计算机科学 Degree Right for Me?

计算机科学是一个广泛的术语,涵盖了许多不同行业的许多不同职业. 如果你喜欢将技术能力与创造力相结合,那么计算机科学的职业可能适合你. To understand if this is the right degree path for you, ask yourself:

    • Am I detail oriented and do I enjoy precise work?
    • Do I enjoy solving complex problems and common challenges?
    • Am I adaptable and willing to learn new technologies?
    • Do I enjoy working independently and within teams?
    • Am I persistent and undeterred by not solving problems the first time?

When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide

Not sure if you have what it takes to excel? 拥有计算机科学学位,你将获得高技术和广泛应用的技能, 如:

  • 编程语言. You won’t just gain skills in a single language, 您将学习使用跨语言的尖端编程和技术构建工业和可重用的软件.
  • 批判性和创造性思维. Through both major courses and general education requirements, 你将获得一套多样化的技能,使你成为一个动态的问题解决者.
  • 沟通技巧. Many computer science careers require you to work within larger teams, some of whom may not have the same technical expertise. 能够有效地沟通将使你成为一个无价的团队成员.
  • 解决现实问题. 您将使用您的专业知识,以促进和开发大型软件应用程序在复杂的组织.

拥有计算机科学学位, 你可以选择从应用程序和网站开发到管理整个组织的数据和网络安全. 你在本科课程中获得的基础知识将使你深入了解这些不同的专业, helping you pursue the career path you’re most interested in.


有越来越多的方法来追求计算机科学的职业生涯. 许多学生争论他们是应该获得副学士学位还是学士学位. 以下是攻读学士学位和攻读硕士学位之间的一些主要区别 大专文凭.


Want a bachelor’s degree but don’t want to wait four years? 为了使学士学位更容易获得,十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供灵活的, 在线B.S. 计算机科学 that’s built for working professionals. 有了灵活的课程安排和在线课程,你可以选择更快地获得四年制学位.

If you’ve already graduated with an 大专文凭 in computer science, our bachelor’s program makes transferring credit easy. Get all of the benefits of a bachelor’s degree, like high earning potential and increased job prospects, 而不必停止你的事业.


A B.S. 计算机科学是一个非常灵活的学位,有各种各样的职业机会. Core curricular areas of object-oriented design, 计算机体系结构, 编码和测试, Web应用程序开发, 在计算机科学和信息技术领域,数据库管理可以带来一些最抢手的工作.


graphic describes 6 fast-growing career paths

What Industries Can I Work In with a 计算机科学 Degree?

While Silicon Valley is often depicted as the pinnacle of high tech, 对计算机科学和信息技术的需求遍及所有行业. 你不一定要在软件公司或创业公司工作,才能在计算机科学领域取得成功. 以下是纯技术领域之外需要熟练的计算机科学家的领域.

  • 政府. As public services transition to digital spaces, 联邦政府和州政府各部门对计算机科学家的需求持续增长.
  • 医疗保健. With a wealth of data that is being underutilized, 计算机程序员有机会建立可以改善病人护理的数据库和信息系统.
  • 金融服务. 这个行业正在迅速发展,以满足年轻消费者在移动银行等领域的需求,并应对区块链等颠覆性技术, necessitating more forward-thinking computer scientists.
  • 保险. 与金融服务一样,保险业正在迅速适应十大正规赌博平台大全排行的数字世界. 从像Nationwide insurance这样的传统保险公司到像Root insurance这样的初创公司, there are a wealth of opportunities to disrupt technology.
  • 创业. 计算机科学家也开始自己的事业,开发新技术, or work as independent contractors for a variety of clients.

Computer science careers are available in every industry and location, 甚至远程, offering a flexibility that is unheard of in most other fields.

Are There Graduate Degree Options 计算机科学?

As technology becomes increasingly complex and specialized, master’s degrees in computer science are becoming more popular. 一个M.S. 计算机科学提供高级水平的熟练程度,以批判性地评估和改进新兴技术. Graduate level courses focus on areas like:

  • 计算机体系结构
  • 计算机语言理论
  • 系统工程

这些课程将帮助您计划项目流程和产品,并做出设计决策,以满足利益相关者的需求. 您还将准备好进行监控, 控制, 验证, 验证, 并根据计划和需求沟通软件开发进度, preparing you for management positions at top companies.

Learn more about 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s M.S. 计算机科学 并根据财富500强公司所需的专业领域调整你的技能.

Want to Pursue Your Bachelor’s Degree 计算机科学?

Take the next step toward a successful career. 以B开头.S. 计算机科学, 在你所选择的行业中,你可以成为高薪职位的热门候选人.

Whether you’re looking to further your career, or start a new one, 探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行的B.S. 计算机科学. We make it easy for in-career professionals to 在线完成学位, 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的一个校园里, or both, to gain high-tech, applicable skills.

Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.